Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Welcome Home Whitey!

Sorry for the week-long blog absence. Last week was rather hectic, however, things are getting back to normal. Anyways, there’s no point in getting too reflective when work still needs to be done, so here’s the headlines…Oh ya, and a quick shout-out to the Malayasian dude that keeps reading this thing…Ya I see you! (Note: I’ve got some really good videos and pictures from this weekend, so check out my facebook for those).

RIP Malaria:
-I regret to inform you all that our cat will not be coming down for breakfast (and yes we named the cat Malaria after last week’s events). Although we are still unsure of what exactly happened to the stupid cat (“paka” in Swahili), the only conclusion that I’ve been able to draw from his demise is that everybody’s health is improving. Good Riddance!

Hamna Pipi (“No Candy”…Is it bad that I still laugh when the kids ask for pipi…pronounced “peepee”?):
-In a little over a month, Stephanie has handed out 740 Dum-Dum Lollipops (There are literally 10 left). I’m pretty sure she’s gotten every kid in the village!

1st Communion-A-Palooza/Corpus Christi:
-Sunday was absolutely crazy. A bunch of people from the neighboring villages came to Ndolelejii for Mass. Over 150 kids received their First Communions, which was niiiice…(Btw, official Mass Time: 5+ Hours…but who’s counting right?!). Later that day, Fr. Michael, Stephanie, and I attended a First Communion party for the daughter of the primary school’s Head Teacher. While everybody was very kind to us, the party featured uncomfortably close, male-on-male “straight” dancing (no girls allowed…I’m not kidding…). All I could think about was that picture of Tyler Seguin and Noseface breaking it down on the bar…

-In addition, we took part in the village-wide Corpus Christi celebration. I’ll be honest, the only thing that I knew about Corpus Christi was that it was some place in Texas. For whatever reason, Fr. Michael was visibly disappointed in my lack of knowledge on the subject (even going as far as asking me: “How much money did your parents spend on your education?”…I always thought that the Irish were the only people that drilled guilt down your throat…

…Speaking of Stereotypes:
-What better way to end this entry than welcoming Whitey home! Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to keep up with this story because the internet has been awful this week. Was he really just hanging out in LA without a car? All I know is that there’s gonna be a lot of seniors claiming memory loss…In my opinion, we should crack down on everybody over the age of 80. Replace the ‘War on Drugs’ with the ‘War on Old People’(…and you know how much I hate hippies!)

White Men CAN Jump:
-Oops…I almost forgot the most important thing of all. Today, I can confidently state the following: “Sean White (Note 3rd person emphasis) is the best basketball player in the village.” Seriously though, Sean White thinks that this comment will be valid for like a day. Sean White is very impressed with how quickly the kids picked up the game…Ok, it’s getting obnoxious. In closing, I can absolutely see a couple Dikembe Mutumbos cropping up in the future!

P.S.S. (I swear this is it!):
-The basketball court has officially been weed’ed out. Although the hoops are made out of bamboo and there are no backboards yet, I decided blow up a few balls and play around with the kids. Thanks again to St. Jerome’s for the donations. The kids are having a blast!

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