Thursday, July 7, 2011

Get Ready to OD on Religiousness!

-The Decision-
Sooooo… I just made a big mistake. A couple days ago, I noticed that the Pope joined Twitter. Naturally, I thought that it would be funny to follow him. However, now Ratz is hooked and has been tweeting nonstop about a bunch of stupid stuff. Thus, I’ve unintentionally arrived at the following ethical dilemma: Can I just “Unfollow” the Pope? I mean, the dude’s bragging about where he’s spending his extravagant vacations while I’m barely eating enough rice to get through the night!

-Sad News…
I’m no longer the biggest, most intimidating looking white guy in the village! The two seminarians, Garrett and Chris, arrived in Ndolelejii yesterday (They are studying in Rome and have just finished up their 2nd year in the seminary). Prior to seeing them in person, I pictured these guys to be nerdy...Well I wrongggg…Chris has an eerie resemblance to how I’ve always imagined Paul Bunyan would look. Garrett, also a mid-western, corn-fed white boy (that one’s for Nick T…and for everyone else: i know, it's like calling the kettle black, or in my case, white! But, ya Garrett is from Montana. Interestingly, Garrett didn’t know who Drew Bledsoe was. What else is there to know about Montana other than that?!

- Fr. Donnie Drank Kerosene during Mass and Showered in it too!
The headline says it all! I mean, I always knew Fr. Donnie was a lot tougher than most people. Sure, a bunch of 83 year-olds hang out in Africa...after surviving cancer...but this just solidifies his legacy. Can you seriously find anything on the list of “Chuck Norris-isms” that would trump Fr. Donnie’s weekly activities? Good luck with that, ‘ cause it ain’t happenin!

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